A little more about me...
Hi! I’m emma, a yoga teacher currently based in new york city.
I have been teaching for 11 years now, which feels both like a lifetime ago and nothing at all. I can confidently say that yoga has been the most unexpected and rewarding path of my life. I believe it is for everyone, and can be lived in various forms. My intention is to inspire individuals the ability to self-heal, through steady yet compassionate inquiry. As I trust that everything is intrinsically connected, I teach holistically, utilizing techniques that incorporate mind, body, & spirit.
How this all began..
I moved to New York in the Fall of 2011, just out of college with plans to pursue a career in musical theatre. I lived in a tiny apartment in Washington Heights with roommates; we spent a lot of time fielding rats out of the kitchen and eating Dominos.
It took me a year- and much introspection- to realize that perhaps what I wanted did not look the way I had imagined. Having always been drawn to the inner workings of the human body and spirit, I completed my 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training in the Spring of 2013, at the renowned PURE yoga in Manhattan, under the instruction of KayKay Clivio and Yogi Charu.
I specialize in vinyasa yoga, a fluid style of movement that links breath to body, and meditation, however, I am well-versed in myriad styles of yoga and my classes are a fusion of the lineages that have resonated with me over the years. I utilize my musical training, offering sound healing through chanted mantra. I have also been heavily influenced by the teaching principles of Laughing Lotus New York, Ana Forrest, and Alanna Kaivalya, with further trainings in the chakra system, energetics, and Reiki 1 under the guidance of Tara Tonini. In person, I teach for various Equinox locations throughout Manhattan, and at a local non-profit, Heights Meditation & Yoga. I also teach privately, for corporate companies, and special events.
I believe we are all both teacher and student; keeping up my personal practice is sacred to me, and where I uncover much of my subconscious. Yoga is my means for questioning, navigating, excavating, and ultimately, surrendering. I hope you feel the humanity in my classes- I encourage you to show up with an open mind and a deep curiosity. I constantly witness the profound way we can surprise ourselves with our potential, even and especially in the most resistant of times. If you are here, it is because some part of you seeks a more meaningful existence. As is the underlying lesson in yoga, we can always begin again.
There is Little I love more than music & yoga…
Except for Robin, pictured here-my 65 lb pound senior rescue piglet. Robin passed away in May of 2024 at 13 years old; it has been a season of grief, acceptance, and introspection. Robin was more than a dog- I adopted her at 25 and we spent the next decade together as life partners. She taught me presence, what it means to feel absolutely seen, and the gift of an ordinary day. In spirit, she continues to teach me trust, surrender, and patience. My relationship with Robin has deeply influenced my teaching, and ultimately, the inherent belief that love is the only thing that truly matters at the end of the day.
I miss her every moment of every day.
That being said, music has always played a large role in my yoga practice. Creating playlists is like writing little love letters to my students; it brings me so much joy. Often, hearing a familiar song elicits deep nostalgia or a forgotten memory. I’ve found solace in music my entire life, and love to share my passion for it in the classroom. My playlists are curated specifically to elevate your sensory experience. I want you to feel taken on a journey, from beginning to end, breath to movement, cerebral to visceral. Love a song you hear in class? Please visit my spotify profile, filled with hundreds of playlists compiled over the years.